Kruse’s obsession
To the Editor,
David Kruse’s obsession with the ethanol mandate continues despite the fact that all of his prayers were answered Nov. 4. Democrats control all aspects of state and federal government, so now will he lay off attacks on Republicans?
I guess not, because this morning (Nov. 13) on the CommStock Report, Iowa Republicans were attacked because they opposed an ethanol mandate despite the fact that Democrats have had full control of the legislature for two years. He again ridiculed them because, horror of horrors, they voted on their principles.
Kruse normally uses analogies quite well, such as when he is flying he doesn’t care if the pilot is pro-life or pro-choice, only can he fly the airplane? But he used John McCain’s support for ending ethanol mandates as the sole reason for voting for the most inexperienced and liberal candidate for president to be elected in America’s history.
I wonder how long before he decides the regressive tax policies of the Obama administration have more impact than an ethanol mandate? I do know they will hit his wallet harder than mine and I wonder if he will gladly do his patriotic duty and share his wealth?
Unfortunately, elections do have consequences because the winners get to rule. Be careful for what you wish because in the infamous words of the spiritual advisor to our new president, “the chickens have come home to roost.”
–Jerry Crew