Southeast Iowa county associations are heading up the day’s grilling; however, cattlemen throughout the state are expected to participate in this annual event.

For additional information contact the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association at (515) 296-2266.

Southeast Iowa county associations are heading up the day’s grilling; however, cattlemen throughout the state are expected to participate in this annual event.

For additional information contact the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association at (515) 296-2266.

"/> Cattlemen’s Day with lawmakers set Monday | News, Sports, Jobs - Farm News

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Cattlemen’s Day with lawmakers set Monday

By Staff | Mar 27, 2009

AMES Iowa cattlemen will grill steak sandwiches Monday for members of the Iowa Legislature and other Capitol visitors. This will be an opportunity for cattlemen to meet their representatives by canvassing the “hill” and communicating their messages.

Southeast Iowa county associations are heading up the day’s grilling; however, cattlemen throughout the state are expected to participate in this annual event.

For additional information contact the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association at (515) 296-2266.