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Depressed dairy

By Staff | Jun 12, 2009

To the editor:

I’m glad to here that dairy producers and suppliers in Iowa are stepping up to the plate on these terribly bad milk prices. I am also losing around $4,000 to $5,000 monthly. It is real depressing when the partial milk check comes in the mail and it has “no funds generated” for the amount. It has been like that for five months now.

We have ended each month with enough money to pay the labor and maybe a little diesel fuel. We have to borrow for everything else. We cannot hold on any longer. I feel we will have to sell out so we will not lose our land. No one seems to care.

The feed companies will not bring feed if you can’t pay for it. The dairyman is always at the end of the line. When something breaks, well, if you can’t fix it yourself, it doesn’t get fixed.

I do know this though. I am always in church every Sunday and I thank the Lord for letting me be a dairy farmer and I pray that He will bring prosperity to every dairyman. I made sure to add, “the sooner the better.”