An obscure idea
To the editor:
The idea of moving the plum Island Animal Disease Center to Kansas has to be the most obscure idea I’ve heard of.
Think about it -they deal with the most infectious diseases and bacteria, plus bugs and parasites, some of which have never been seen in this country.
Kansas State university is no place for this operation. The center’s present location, on an island surrounded by ocean, is the best location. Build it higher if you have to. The wind is favorable if there should be an escape — out to sea.
If it’s in Kansas, an escape would blow onto someone and make H1N1 look like a party.
I think U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack would have put the brakes on this idea about as soon as he was appointed. It’s not too late.
We need to consider this as something important to the whole nation. Keep the facility isolated.
I urge you to send a letter to Vilsack at U.S. Department of agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., Washington, D.C. 20250.