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A day for Christmas thoughts

By Staff | Dec 25, 2009

Some 2,000 years ago, an event took place that changed the course of history. No singular event has focused the attention of man on himself to the degree that the story of Bethlehem has, for it is the story of man.

Kingdoms have risen and fallen, and great nations have perished from the earth. Attempts have been made through the centuries to wipe out any trace of the message that event portrayed. Yet, that one story has stood the test of time.

It is the story of a man, sent from God, as salvation for mankind. It is the story of Jesus Christ, his son. He was born in a manger, lived but a brief 33 years and was crucified and buried. At Easter time, the Christian world heralds his resurrection.

His story is one of love, compassion and concern for mankind. His message is one of peace, of helping one another. His life exemplified that which is the perfect goal.

This is what Christmas is all about. The trees, tinsel, Santa Claus and all the rest are traditions developed over the years as an expression of our love for each other in some tangible way – the exchange of gifts, the family reunions, the fellowship, the sharing of our material goods with those less fortunate. They are but extensions of this great central theme.

The world today is faced with hardship, strife, turmoil on every hand. Nations are pitted against each other, brother against brother. But then, that has been the situation since the beginning of man.

We can have a better world. We can be better people if we remember the true meaning of Christmas.

In our own way, we have attempted to bring our readers these same basic truths that are part of the Christmas story. We have attempted to be truthful and fair. We have sought out the ills of society and suggested solutions. We have tried to bring to light the wrongs and to offer appropriate praise for the right.

From all of us at Farm News, we wish our readers a most blessed Christmas.