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A dubious award

By Staff | Jan 1, 2010

To the editor,

Alan Guebert, along with David Kruse, has, in the past, shared my personal award for excellence by a weekly commentator, based on bias, inaccuracy, smugness, egotism, snobbishness, narcissism, ineptness and ignorance.

However, Kruse has surged ahead by deliberately using fictitious numbers about the deficit incurred during the Bush administration when, in fact, Obama increased the deficit more in eight months, than Bush did in eight years.

Kruse strengthened that lead when he used his “extensive military background” to blast Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the generals for mismanaging the war. Guebert jumped back into contention with his article berating the old Allis-Chalmers no-till planter and “orange” tractors in general.

In the early 1980s, he commented that AC planters “were dumped in the nearest ditch shortly after John Deere introduced its Max Emerge planter ” While Deere may have had the best conventional planter at the time, it was worthless when planting into untilled soil with crop residue remaining. The AC no-till planter of the 1970s is still one of the best for no-till planting, being one of the true innovations in planting because of its no-till coulter.

Guebert continued his bashing of AC with “most orange tractors seen today are in parades or ditches.” Mine have never been in a parade, or a ditch, except for that one time we don’t talk about.

Since Obama’s election, Guebert has been noticeably more vocal since he now has a soul mate in the Oval Office and is free to expound on his latent Socialistic agenda.

Hopefully, come November, we’ll recapture the asylum, or government, from the inmates and place the writings of certain weekly commentators where they belong – in the paper box in the outhouse.