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Plan for Pork Congress

By Staff | Jan 22, 2010

For nearly four decades, the Iowa Pork Producers Association’s Iowa Pork Congress has been a symposium where pork producers and assorted experts gather to share views and information about an industry that has long been vital to the Iowa economy.

The 38th annual incarnation of this very popular event is in Des Moines at Hy-Vee Hall and Veterans Memorial Auditorium. It will be in full swing Wednesday and Thursday. In recent years attendance has hovered around 5,000.

Once again this year, the show will feature an impressive roster of speakers and an appealing array of exhibitors. There will be in the neighborhood of 300 trade-show booths according to the IPPA. Organizers say the Pork Congress is the nation’s largest winter swine trade show.

The appeal of this event is in part its educational component. Iowa Pork Congress Committee Chairman Greg Lear, a producer from Spencer, is enthusiastic about the seminars and demonstrations that will be featured.

“We take great pride in bringing in experts from around the Midwest to discuss the topics and issues of greatest importance to pork producers ” Lear said in a statement previewing the event. “Producers should find this year’s seminar topics very appealing and educational.”

For more information about the congress visit www.iowaporkcongress.org on the Web.

Make plans now to attend what promises to be a super event. You won’t be disappointed.