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By Staff | Mar 19, 2010

The Humane Society of the United States may be one of the least understood animal rights activist groups in the country today.

Everybody understands PETA. There is no subterfuge or deception with PETA. They are what they appear to be – nuts. The public impression of the Humane Society doesn’t match what the organization does. Most think they are a pet sanctuary giving homes to stray dogs and cats.

  • 71 percent of Americans questioned in a new opinion poll wrongly believe HSUS is an “umbrella group” for America’s local humane societies.
  • 63% percent incorrectly think their local “humane society” is affiliated with HSUS.
  • 59% falsely believe HSUS “contributes most of its money” to local organizations that care for cats and dogs.

“These numbers indicate that American’s don’t really know what the Humane Society of the United States is all about,” said David Martosko, director of the Center for Consumer Freedom. “HSUS intentionally uses those sad dogs and cats in its TV infomercials as props in an animal rights fundraising shell game. Meanwhile, thousands of American pet shelters are underfunded and struggling.”

“CCF recently announced the launch of HumaneWatch.org, a watchdog project dedicated to analyzing the activities of HSUS. The dog-watchers HSUS need their own watchdog, too. HSUS now has an annual budget around the size of an NFL payroll. It has become too big and too unaccountable. Someone has to pay closer attention.”

Beef Magazine shed light on the true beast called HSUS saying, “The Humane Society of the United States has become the animal rights industry’s most powerful player, but it has avoided serious public scrutiny for years.

“HSUS raises millions of dollars annually from Americans who largely believe their donations filter down to local pet shelters and improve the lives of dogs and cats. But in 2008, less than one-half of one percent of HSUS’ budget consisted of grants to actual hands-on humane societies that deal with the thankless task of sheltering unwanted pets.”

Why does Beef Magazine care about HSUS? Because HSUS thinks it knows better how to handle livestock than farmers and ranchers do, investing in efforts to oversee livestock husbandry.

Through legislation and referendums, HSUS has used money most givers thought was going to promote the well being of pets, to fund their attempt to take control of livestock management in the U.S.

Farmers and ranchers best know how to take care of their animals. The HSUS has shepherded laws in six states to dictate livestock practices without producers’ input.

Beef Magazine fired back, “HSUS reported spending almost $20 million on campaigns, legislation and litigation, enough to worry any livestock farmer or hunter looking to keep their chosen lifestyle alive.

“The group collected over $86 million in contributions, and spent more than $24 million on fundraising, including $4 million on professional fundraisers.”

Think about it, 28 cents of every dollar contributed to HSUS goes back out the door to raise more money. The bottom line is the same as it ever was. HSUS rakes in millions from unsuspecting Americans who may confuse the animal rights group with an unaffiliated local humane society.

And with all this cash flying around, it’s no surprise that 41 HSUS employees made at least $100,000 last year. All told, HSUS paid out over $30.9 million in salaries, wages and other employee compensation.

Beef magazine’s Amanda Nolz has sunk her smiling teeth into HSUS saying “As you are all aware by now, I keep a close eye on this well-oiled lobbying machine, and through word of mouth, my goal has been to educate consumers about the organization’s main mission to abolish meat, dairy and egg products from the American diet while putting farmers and ranchers out of business.

“This ideology doesn’t jive with 99 percent of Americans, yet the organization is able to use emotions to manipulate a cozy budget of $200 million annually to achieve their goals.”

I can’t believe that if HSUS’ financial contributors really knew who they were giving money to, where the funds were going to, and what was the result of their contribution, that they wouldn’t feel totally duped and bamboozled. It’s time the word gets out.

David Kruse is president of CommStock Investments Inc., author and producer of The CommStock Report, an ag commentary and market analysis available daily by radio and by subscription on DTN/FarmDayta and the Internet.