Scare tactics
To the editor;
The “gassers” are mixing greenhouse gas with snake oil and calling it global warming. 67 years ago, I signed as a naval aviation cadet.
My first ride in an airplane, my first flying, was my first lesson in global warming – the same warming we have today.
We flew over a plowed field, Warm air from the field rose and lifted the airplane. Radiation. It’s another form of energy.
Greenhouse gas had nothing to do with it, nor did fossil fuels. It was the sun. It shines on the earth, which creates heat.
Burning fuel creates heat, but only a fraction of that created by the sun. Gassers are more interested in scare tactics than facts.
Since I was a young man, we’ve had much more cultivation, more traffic on and above the ground, more buildings and parking lots and hard-surfaced roads, towns and cities have grown – there is more for the sun to shine upon.
Global warming is happening, but it’s from the sun. Greenhouse gases have nothing to do with it.
Don’t get caught up in the foolishness.