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Corn harvest under way

By Staff | Sep 10, 2010

Gary Kuhn, of Gowrie, drives his Oxbo seed corn harvester through a field near 210th Street and Stagecoach Road in Hamilton County Wednesday morning picking seed corn for Sygenta.

DES MOINES (AP) – Iowa’s corn harvest is already under way as corn development continues well ahead of average.

In its weekly crop report, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported Tuesday that chopping corn for silage and harvesting seed corn are in full swing in Iowa, while harvesting for grain is starting in fields that were planted early.

Corn development in Iowa in all three stages is at least nine days ahead of last year and the five-year average.

Forty-five percent of Iowa’s soybean acres have turned color. That’s ahead of last year’s 26 percent and the average of 39 percent.

Some hay producers continued their third cutting last week while some started a fourth cutting.

Last week’s light rains and lower humidity also relieved stress on Iowa livestock.

See additional statewide crop updates on page 2B.