Aquatic, Forest, Roadside course slated for Oct. 20
IOWA?FALLS – Hardin County Extension will host an Aquatic, Forest, and Roadside, Continuing Instructional Course for commercial pesticide applicators on Oct. 20, 2010, from9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
The registration fee is $35 before Oct. 13 and $45 after Oct. 13. To register, or for more information, contact the Hardin County Extension office at (641) 648-4850 or toll free at (888) 648-5005.
The 2010 course will provide continuing instructional credits for commercial and public pesticide applicators certified in categories 2 (Forest Pest Control), 5 (Aquatic Pest Control), 6 (Right-of-Way Pest Control), and 10 (Demonstration and Research).
Topics to be covered are laws and regulations; the national pollution discharge elimination system rules as the pesticide stewardship topic; safe handling of pesticides, pesticide storage, and personal protective equipment; weed control in aquatic, forest, and roadside settings; and plant pathogen and insect pest updates.
Additional information and registration forms for this and other courses offered through the PME Program can be accessed at