Fire damages corn in North Iowa bin

A Fort Dodge Fire Department truck pulls into the Pro Cooperative in Pioneer, one of at least four fire departments on scene at the bin fire.
PIONEER – Authorities say corn inside a grain bin caught on fire at the Pro Cooperative Elevator in Pioneer in north central Iowa.
The fire broke out Sunday afternoon. The Messenger newspaper in Fort Dodge said no injuries were reported, but the fire prompted a multi-county effort to save the corn.
Lt. Steve Teske of the Fort Dodge Fire Department the grain bin was made of concrete, and it was the corn that was burning. Fire departments from Gilmore City, Clare, Humboldt and Fort Dodge, plus ambulances and the Iowa State Patrol all responded to the scene.
Officials organized trucks to get the corn out of the bin and salvage what they could. The bin contained about 88,000 bushels of corn.
The cause of the fire remains under investigation.