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Ag Partners to expand NW facilities by $20 million

By Staff | Dec 9, 2010

ALBERT CITY Ag Partners announces major grain initiative beginning in 2010.

The Ag Partners board of directors has unanimously voted to proceed with a multi-phased grain building project that will substantially expand grain storage at many Ag Partners locations throughout Northwest Iowa. This investment is expected to reach $20 million and will be the largest investment in the history of Ag Partners.

Ag Partner’s owners voted in September of this year to retain 100 percent of the 2010 earnings within Ag Partners to help finance a portion of this expansion project.

“This initiative is about providing great service in the fall that our customer’s need to keep their combines rolling,” said Troy Upah, CEO of Ag Partners.

Fran Marron, vice president of grain for Ag Partners said, that “the expectations of our customers continues to grow as they extract higher yields per acre. Ag Partners will continue to invest in our ability to unload grain quickly and our ability to store grain safely.”

Phase one of this project is well underway with three 729,000 bushel steel grain bins in process at the Albert City location. Phase two will begin this winter with two bins being added to the Royal location totaling an additional 1.5 million bushels.

“These two facilities were prioritized for the 2011 harvest,” Marron said, “due to the significant growth we have had in these areas. Increased volumes at Alton and several of our other facilities will be reviewed for the next phases of this expansion.”

Readers can see the updated construction process of these locations and others as they come on line by going to www.agpartners.com.

Ag Partners LLC operates facilities in Sheldon, Matlock, Hospers, Norwest Ag in Boyden, Maurice, Orange City, Alton, Sutherland, Merrill, Hartley, Calumet, Alta, Emmetsburg, Fonda, Royal and Albert City.