New Product Alert
Mycogen Seeds is launching an additional nine soybean lines for the 2011 growing season. These new products all contain the Roundup Ready 2 Yield trait and are in addition to the 12 new soybean lines Mycogen Seeds announced last summer. MYCOGEN brand soybeans are a trusted choice for growers looking to build profitable whole-farm programs.
“The Mycogen Seeds soybean research and development team stringently tests each product before releasing it to the market, and only soybeans with top-of-the-line performance characteristics make it to a grower’s field,” says John Kalthoff, oil seeds marketing specialist, Mycogen Seeds. “We are excited to make these new soybean lines available to growers to provide them with opportunities for high yield potential and increased return on investment.”
Additional Mycogen Seeds soybean lines
5G009R2 is an attractive, medium-tall plant with high yield potential, good iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance and Rps1c Phytophthora resistance. A Group 00 soybean, 5G009R2 has a strong agronomic package and good standability, making it well adapted for the Red River Valley. It performs well in both wide and narrow rows.
5B030R2 combines yield potential with excellent iron chlorosis defiency tolerance. This Group 0 soybean also offers Phytophthora protection and very good white mold tolerance making it a good choice for narrow rows and no-till.
5B080R2 offers excellent stability and great agronomics for wide adaptability in late Group 0 growing areas. It combines very good tolerance to white mold, iron chlorosis, brown stem rot and Phytophthora to protect yield potential. 5B080R2 can handle many different soil types and planting practices.
5B130R2, a Group 1 soybean, offers good emergence, standability and high yield potential. Rps1c Phytophthora field tolerance, plus very good tolerance to iron chlorosis, white mold and brown stem rot make this defensive plant fit in a wide range of environments.
5N205R2 is an early Group 2 soybean with resistance to brown stem rot and good tolerance to sudden death syndrome. It offers strong emergence, Phytophthora resistance and good stress tolerance, which adds to the performance of this product. Plant it with confidence on soils prone to cyst nematode across northern Iowa, southern Minnesota and into South Dakota.
5N304R2 combines very good emergence and standability in an early maturity Group 3 line. Very good brown stem rot tolerance, Rps1c Phytophthora tolerance and good sudden death syndrome tolerance give this product a solid agronomic package to protect the high yield potential of this soybean.
5N342R2 provides SCN and Phytopthora resistance along with great agronomics and exceptional yield potential in a Group 3 soybean. Good sudden death tolerance along with very good stress tolerance help this broadly adapted soybean perform well across many soil types.
5N371R2 is a rugged Group 3 soybean combining SCN and Phytophthora resistance with very good sudden death tolerance. Good plant height and standability along with branchy growth habit allow for good performance in all row widths. It can handle a wide range of soils types and planting practices.
5N385R2, a Group 3 soybean, has excellent standability and good emergence to perform well in all planting systems and row widths. It offers strong SCN and Rps1c Phytophthora protection and performs well from Indiana to Missouri. 5N385R2 performs best in highly productive soils.
For more information about these new soybean products or other MYCOGEN brand products, contact your local Mycogen Seeds dealer or sales representative, or visit the new
Mycogen Seeds is a retail seed company of Dow AgroSciences LLC and a developer and marketer of leading corn hybrids, the market leader in SILAGE-SPECIFIC corn hybrids and sunflower hybrids, as well as an industry leader in canola, alfalfa, soybeans and sorghum. For more information about MYCOGEN brand products, visit
Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is a top-tier agricultural company providing innovative agrochemical and biotechnology solutions globally. The company, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, has sales of $4.5 billion. Learn more at