Here we are down to the last days of 2010. The Christmas part of the holidays is behind us with only New Year’s Day to go.
We made our Christmas family events as we have in previous years with a trip to central Illinois one weekend and west central Minnesota the next weekend.
We covered 1,500 miles and are home again with the vehicles safely in the garage and the family dog sleeping in front of the television.
It took quite few hours of driving time and a fair amount of $3 gasoline, but it was worth it. Especially since we know we will be staying right here at home for New Year’s.
I believe we have seen all of our family members, eaten more than we needed to, and did a lot of our favorite things along with some new ones.
A trip to Springfield, Ill., showed us what a horseshoe sandwich is. That was a first.
This is a sandwich, with the meat – or fish even – cut in a U-shape, piled with choice of fries or tater tots and draped with cheese sauce.
It was huge. There was a pony version and I couldn’t even finish that one.
For all the miles we traveled, on Christmas Eve we were still sitting in about the same pew in the same church we are in almost every Sunday.
There is another weekend storm in the weather forecast, the second or third one, I believe. We have pressed our luck enough being on the road so we will sit this one out.
We will spend New Year’s holiday trying to learn the features of our recently purchased, new-fangled, flat screen, high definition, wi-fi enabled television. Maybe I will find something with a car chase to watch.
It is farewell to 2010 and hello to 2011. 2010 was like other years with moments that we did not want to end and other moments that we thought would never end. It is good to say we made it through another year and are mostly ready for the coming year.
It is comforting to remind ourselves that just over a week ago, we crossed the threshold into winter which means the days have stopped getting shorter and will lengthen for the next six months.
As another benefit, the sun will climb higher in the sky and not be in our eyes so much.
There are no resolutions to make for the New Year because I know I will not keep them anyway.
Remember to take time in the last days of 2010 to appreciate the people around you. Recognize how much they add to your life and let them know how much you value them.
Do I have any advice for the New Year? I would just say to make the most of what you have in front of you at any particular time.
It may not be exactly what you want and far from perfect, but it is what is available and within reach with a little effort.
I believe that most everything we want in life is already in front of us and it is our job to recognize it. That is as profound as I will get.
There you have my end of the year sermonizing. It is unsolicited advice from a person who does not have all the answers and will readily admit it.
If all goes well, let us agree to meet here again next year to compare how the year of 2011 went.
I will do my darnedest to be here and I hope you do too.
Rye is a Farm News staff writer and farmer from Hanlontown. Reach him by e-mail at