Boone to host Annie’s Project series
Iowa State University Extension in Boone County is offering Annie’s Project during February and March.
Annie’s Project empowers farm women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information.
This program will be offered to women in Boone, Calhoun, Greene and Webster counties and will be conducted at the Farnhamville Community Building in Farnhamville.
The six-week course is designed especially for farm women to help them develop their management and decision-making skills for their farms.
Sessions include brief presentation, discussions focused on the participants’ questions and computer training to use spreadsheets.
Annie’s Project gives farm women the opportunity to hear from Female agricultural professionals and network with other women in similar situation.
This session of Annie’s Project will meet from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Feb. 7, 14, 21 and 28, as well as March 7 and 14.
March 21 and 28 meetings are reserved as snow dates.
Topics include understanding market terminology, interpreting financial statements and sifting through estate planning tools.
Kelvin Leibold, an ISU Extension farm management specialist, and Mary Clancy, Boone County program coordinator, said members of the Annie’s Project steering committee are providing time and guidance in preparing for the series. Members include Dawn Clark, of Lake City; Lori Good, of Ogden; Jean Rhodes, of Madrid; Doris Stotts, of Boone; and Marilyn Anderson of Dayton.
The cost of the program is $75 per person and participants receive software programs, access to ISU Extension information, handouts and a portfolio.
A light dinner will be served at each session.Course size is limited and pre-registration is required by Jan. 14. This class is being sponsored by Farm Credit Services of America and Hertz Farm Management.
For more information or to register, contact the Boone County Extension office at (515) 432-3882, or e-mail Mary Clancy at