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Reward offered in livestock vandalism cases

By Staff | Jan 18, 2011

DES MOINES –Sheriff’s departments in Bremer, Chickasaw and Fayette counties say state and local farm organizations have announced a $7,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons involved in farm vandalism cases spread over a nine-day period in late November.

The reward, offered by the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers (CSIF) and others, will assist the offices in the ongoing investigation of incidents that occurred at multiple farms in a three county area. In most of the cases, office equipment was damaged, windows were broken out, liquids were poured onto the floor, drains were plugged, and electrical power was cut by a 12-gauge shotgun used to take out electrical transformers.

The sheriff’s departments involved say the reward will assist investigators as they move forward with the case. They are hopeful that someone with knowledge about what happened will step forward and contact one of their offices, and it is their intent to see this investigation through to a timely and successful outcome.

They would also like to remind farmers to be vigilant in monitoring their farms as well as their neighbor’s farms. If you observe suspicious activity, do not investigate it on your own; call the sheriff’s department immediately and report it.

Brian Waddingham, executive director of the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers, said farmers strongly condemn animal abuse and hopes the reward will help resolve the case. Iowa’s livestock farmers go to great lengths to ensure the health, safety and well-being of their livestock, and when senseless acts like this occur it becomes a concern for all of those involved in agriculture.

The Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers is a non-profit organization that assists livestock farmers who want help interpreting rules and regulations, guidance on good site locations for barns, counsel on enhancing neighbor relations and tips on how to protect the environment at no cost.

Farm families wanting a helping hand can contact the Coalition at (800) 932-2436. For more information about the Coalition visit HYPERLINK www.supportfarmers.com/ www.supportfarmers.com.

CSIF has offered nearly $25,000 in rewards since its launch in 2004 to help solve livestock vandalism cases throughout the state. Anyone with information in a case is encouraged to contact their county sheriff’s office.