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ICCC hosting ag profitability event

By Staff | Feb 17, 2011

There are so many variables in agriculture it is difficult to stay on top of them from day to day. A program “How to keep agriculture profitable for you and your farm” will be held to address many of those variables.

A panel of agriculturalists will discuss the topic at Iowa Central Community College, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., on March 3 in the Career Education Building Room 108.

Mike Callon, farm manager with Iowa Farms in Fort Dodge, George Moriarty, Iowa Farm Business Association in Spencer, Bill Horan, farmer in the Rockwell City area, and Jeanne Hill, Farm Credit Services of America in Webster City will be members of the panel.

They will discuss areas such as income production and maintenance, keeping accurate farm records, organizing a farm commodity marketing plan, crop and livestock diversification, using USDA farm programs and keeping up on new ideas and concepts in agriculture.

Register for the program by calling Iowa Central at (800) 362-2793, Ext. 1277 or 574-1277.

The program is free of charge.

Seminar sponsors include Anderson Implement, Brokaw Supply, Brown Fertilizer Company, CS Bank, Dekalb-Asgrow, D & K Implement, Farm Credit Services or America, Labre Crop Consulting, Northwest Bank and Omnistar.