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Farmer honors rural fire department with $2,500 check

By Staff | Mar 4, 2011

From left are Glen?Westing, Badger fire chief, Deb Harvey, Jim Harvey and Kurt Loving, a Monsanto representative, after the Harveys presented the fire department with a $2,500 donation from the Monsanto Fund.

BADGER – About ten years ago Jim Harvey, a rural Badger farmer, lost approximately 20 acres of corn to a field fire.

The loss from that fire has always been in the back of his mind, so when Harvey was visiting the Farm Progress Show last fall near Boone and came to the Monsanto exhibit, it was a given to whom he would nominate for a program being offered – the Badger Fire and Rescue Agency.

The program, America’s Farmers Grow Communities Program, supports organizations that help make rural communities an exciting place to live, work and raise a family, thus strengthening rural farming communities.

Farmers enroll in the program for an opportunity to win $2,500 for a nonprofit organization in their county that they feel strengthens their community. This program’s goal is to bridge the gap between peoples’ needs and their available sources.

The best contributions are those that inspire people to do great things.

Harvey said his reasons for nominating the fire department was due to a local cause and because they’re a great bunch of guys who work hard at fighting fires and saving lives.

It’s just like on the farm, the firemen are always needing to update and replace equipment to stay safe and effective at what they do best, saving lives and property in the Badger area, Harvey said.

The Badger Fire and Rescue Agency serves the town of Badger, Badger Township, the east half of Deer Creek Township and the north side of Cooper Township and consists of twenty-three volunteers.

Of the 23 volunteers, six are EMT’s and 12 are Fire Fighter 1 Certified.

Glen Westling, Badger fire chief, said the money is greatly appreciated and will be used to purchase radio equipment and pagers.

Due to economic times and government cuts, Westling said, this is a really exceptional gift, as there are no restrictions as to what the department can purchase. Good, clear communication that you can depend on is vital in dangerous situations for these men in dealing with emergencies.

Harvey, and his wife Deb, farm 750 acres south of Badger and use John Deere equipment and Monsanto products.

Harvey also contracts and drives a mail truck weekly to Des Moines from Fort Dodge.

Contact Gloria Tjaden at janie@tjaden.net.