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USDA approves disaster loans for flooded counties

By Staff | Jul 9, 2011

WASHINGTON D.C.- The U.S. Department of Agriculture Announced Friday it has granted Iowa’s request for a secretarial disaster declaration.

The secretarial disaster declaration covers both primary and contiguous counties that have sustained flood related damage and losses. Woodbury County is one of the designated primary counties, while Cherokee, Crawford, Ida and Plymouth counties are covered as contiguous counties.

“The Missouri River flood has caused extensive damage to farmland,” said Rep. Steve King, (R-Kiron), who helped secure the declaration, “and it has left Iowa’s agricultural producers facing significant losses.

“The issuance of the secretarial disaster designation will allow farm operators in (in affected counties) to apply for Farm Services Agency emergency loans, and it will allow farmers to participate in the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Program to help offset the financial damage caused by losing crops to the flood.

In order to receive emergency loan assistance, farmers in eligible counties must apply within eight months of the date of the secretarial disaster declaration. Farmers who need additional information about available programs and eligibility requirements should contact their local FSA office.