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Super Bull named at Iowa State Fair

By Staff | Aug 13, 2011

The winner of the Iowa State Fair “Super Bull Contest” is a 6-year-old Charolais bull named Bubba. Bubba is owned by Iowa Cattlemen’s Association member, Jim Stalcup, of Stalcup Farms Charolais, in Prescott.

Bubba weighed in at 2,768 pounds, 636 pounds lighter than record-holder ‘Big Black.’ (Big Black became the record holder at the 2009 fair. He was an Angus bull also owned by Stalcup Farms Charolais.)

The second-place bull in the 2011 contest is Tarzan, a Shorthorn bull owned by Diamond W Enterprise, of Boone. The bull, representing Sterling Weeda’s farm weighed 2,705 pounds. Weeda is also an ICA member.

The third-place bull was Colorado, another Charolais bull, belonging to Stalcup Farms Charolais. Colorado weighed 2,583 pounds.

The top three winners received $750, $450, and $300 respectively. The premium money was provided by the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association, Hawkeye Breeders Service, of Adel, and the Iowa State Fair.

You can see this year’s Super Bull at the south annex of the Cattle Barn through the run of the fair.