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Finally, urgency

By Staff | Nov 11, 2011

To the editor,

After only three years, President Obama has decided the unemployed need our urgent attention.

Those non-productive government jobs he wants to spend money on, money in which we don’t have, just can’t wait for Congress to act on his unwritten bill.

So “The One” must sign unconstitutional edicts granting further entitlements in a scheme to buy his re-election.

He spent two months traveling America, preaching “class warfare” in a Canadian-made bus urging incalculable crowds of his “army” to get off the couch, take to the streets, call, text or write their congressmen to push his new stimulus scheme. But Congress received no bill, nor does a written record exist.

When the Democrat Senate, finally, finished writing his bill, the crowds did heed the clarion call, but the tally went to the loyal opposition – Patriots.

As always, the only bipartisan part of Obama’s bill was the nay votes.

Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and their media allies, claim the GOP is doing nothing.

Perhaps, they should vote on one of nearly two dozen bills the Republican House has sent them.

I’d bet they would finally find the bipartisanship they claim to be looking for.

Do we really look that stupid?

I doubt that.

Larry M. Aden
