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Donate grain, invest in Iowa’s No. 1 crop — youth

By Staff | Dec 2, 2011

AMES – By donating grain, farmers can support Iowa’s number one crop, youth, officials with the Iowa 4-H Foundation said on Nov. 23.

“As the end of the year approaches, it’s a great time to support Iowa 4-H youth development programs by donating grain to the Iowa 4-H Foundation,” said Scott Mortimer, foundation president.

“4-H provides opportunities for youth to explore their interests, gain new skills, be productive citizens and become effective leaders. Donation can make a difference in the lives of Iowa’s young people.”

Donations to the Iowa 4-H Foundation can be designated to county 4-H endowments, for statewide use or for both purposes, said Albert Grunenwald, the foundation’s associate director.

“Donations to county endowments can help sustain 4-H programming in your community and provide opportunities for local youth to learn skills that will benefit them their whole lives,” Grunenwald said.

“Designating your donation for statewide use helps to provide opportunities beyond your county.

“You can help youth throughout the state to explore their interests and become mature, confident and caring individuals who are aware of the world around them.”

The Iowa 4-H Foundation funds 4-H activities at the Iowa State Fair, State 4-H Conference, National 4-H Congress, National 4-H Conference and other opportunities for Iowa’s young people, Mortimer said.

Self-employed farmers who donate grain to the Iowa 4-H Foundation, can reduce their self-employment tax and increase their income tax savings, Grunenwald said.

“Giving grain can save farmers as much as 49 percent of the donation amount,”?he said. “For example, a grain donation worth $1,000 could save farmers an extra $490 because they gave grain in place of cash,” he said.

For specific instructions on how to donate grain to support 4-H, contact Grunenwald at (515) 294-4780 or e-mail at abgrunen@iastate.edu.

The grain must be placed in the Iowa 4-H Foundation’s name to be sold by the Iowa 4-H Foundation, Grunenwald stressed.

Farmers may take the grain to their local elevator, co-op or grain merchant, where a warehouse receipt showing the Iowa 4-H Foundation as the owner of the grain should be created.

Then, farmers may notify the 4-H Foundation that the grain is available to sell.