Duffy to Hold Land Value Survey News Conference Dec. 14
AMES, Iowa — A news conference to announce the results of the 2011 Iowa Land Value Survey conducted by Iowa State University is scheduled for 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 14. The news conference will be held at the Extension 4-H Youth Building, at the corner of 13th Street and Stange Road on the north edge of the Iowa State campus.
Michael Duffy, ISU Extension economist who directs the survey, will announce the 2011 findings at the news conference. He also will be available after the news conference for phone interviews at 515-294-6160.
Duffy will provide background material, along with a printed news release containing data from all 99 counties and state maps. The handout materials will be available on the Web at 10 a.m., linked from http://www.extension.iastate.edu/topic/landvalue. The news conference will be recorded and made available late afternoon Dec. 14. Land value survey information from the 1994-2010 news conferences and yearly data back to 1950 also will be available on the land value website.
A news release on the 2011 survey results and a table with data for all 99 Iowa counties will be released to the media at 10 a.m. Dec. 14.
Information on how to get to the Extension 4-H Youth Building is available at http://www.extension.iastate.edu/news/contactus.htm. The news conference will be held in the large conference room off the atrium at the southeast corner of the building. Parking is available in nearby lots. Parking permits may be picked up at the Visitor Information Booth on South University Blvd. across from Jack Trice Stadium, or at the Extension 4-H Youth Building reception area prior to the news conference.