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Case for Ron Paul

By Staff | Dec 30, 2011

To the editor;

Dr. Ron Paul is a fine Christian gentleman, with a servant’s heart, an Air Force veteran, medical physician, and tirelessly hard-working Congressman, married 54 years and rearing five children.

Ron was reared on a Pennsylvania dairy farm. He still serves ranchers, rice farmers, fishermen, the energy and maritime transportation workers, in the 22-county 14th District of the Texas Gulf Coast.

He came home from D.C. to deliver babies on weekends and set a 2010 re-election record, garnering 80 percent, against three challengers.

Paul has proven consistently conservative, in 35 years, serving three separate stints, totaling 12 terms in Congress.

He has continually pushed for congressional term limits, lower taxes and spending, and auditing the Federal Reserve, a secretive and unaccountable cartel of private international bankers, that Congress unconstitutionally granted exclusive authority to counterfeit and devalue our money, and has never been audited in their entire 98-year history.

Jefferson warned us against this wealth-destroying error, and no other candidate even mentions this economic scam.

Ron Paul fully understands free market economics, human history, the nature of government, our Constitution and the founders’ original intent for a free, peaceful and prosperous republic, trading freely and fairly with all.

We can, and will, “Restore America Now,” – a dream the others only parrot – if we get out to vote for Ron Paul on Jan. 3.

Larry M. Aden
