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New deputy for IDALS

By Staff | Jan 13, 2012

DES MOINES – Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey announced Monday that Jay Johnson has been hired as the new deputy secretary for the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship.

Johnson previously served as director of the USDA Packer and Stockyards Administration’s Midwest Regional Office.

As deputy secretary, Johnson will assist in management responsibilities for the department, focused on the areas of personnel and budget.

He will also support the department’s efforts to continue to improve accessibility to Iowans and will travel and represent the department at meetings in Des Moines and around the state.

“I’m excited to have Jay onboard and I know he will do a great job,” Northey said. “He is a natural fit for this role and will provide important management expertise and leadership to the department as we continue our mission is to ensure consumer protection, support food safety and animal health, and promote the responsible use of our natural resources.”

Johnson worked for USDA Packers and Stockyards Administration for 28 years, 13 years as its director of the Midwestern Regional Office, based in Des Moines.

This office is responsible for all packers and stockyards functions in 12 states in the upper Midwest and all hog issues on a national basis.

Before that he worked for 13 years at USDA in Washington, D.C in a variety of positions, but culminating in his final position as director of the Packer and Poultry Division.

“I greatly appreciate Secretary Northey giving me this opportunity and I look forward to working with him and all the employees at the Department to promote Iowa agriculture and serve the people of Iowa,” Johnson said.

Johnson was raised in rural northern Illinois and graduated from Western Illinois University with a degree in Agricultural Business.

He and his wife, Cindy, live in rural Warren County and have three children. They currently raise and show club lambs and show performance quarter horses.