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Webster County sets tack sale Saturday

By Staff | Mar 12, 2012

The Webster Co. 4-H Horse Project will be having its 6th Annual Tack Sale, starting at 1 p.m., on Saturday, at the Webster Co. Extension office. Bring your own tack to sell or donate to the Webster County 4-H Horse Project. There is a 10 percent commission fee on items sold.

Contact Mike Erritt at (515) 570-6725 or Randy Kalahar at (515) 571-4795 for additional information.

Webster County sets tack sale Saturday

By Staff | Mar 12, 2012

The Webster Co. 4-H Horse Project will be having its 6th Annual Tack Sale, starting at 1 p.m., on Saturday, at the Webster Co. Extension office. Bring your own tack to sell or donate to the Webster County 4-H Horse Project. There is a 10 percent commission fee on items sold.

Contact Mike Erritt at (515) 570-6725 or Randy Kalahar at (515) 571-4795 for additional information.