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Jewell lions set annual toy show

By Staff | Mar 21, 2012

JEWELL – The Jewell Lions Club will host its 31st annual Central Iowa Toy Show starting at 9 a.m. on Sunday in the South Hampton High School gymnasium in Jewell.

Exhibitors from Iowa and throughout the Midwest annually attend this large show.

More than 800 spectators surveyed treasures displayed by 50 collectors last year.People may buy, trade, sell or just look at the large variety of farm toys and collectibles.

Agricultural displays, a model railroad, hand crafted items, works by a local artist, NASCAR racing items, cast iron and die-cast farm toys, Hot Wheels cars, Beanie Babies, trains and dolls compliment the surroundings.

Several 1/64th scale diorama displays depicting past, present and future-farming methods will highlight the show.

Doors will be open from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Admission is $5 with preschool age children admitted free.

Net proceeds from the event help the Lions Club fund local, state and international projects.

Lunch complete with homemade pie will be served all day.