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Animal rights

By Staff | Apr 13, 2012

To the editor,

Concerning David Kruse’s column “Ruining hog business” in the April 6 issue:

First, Kruse can’t spell Niman Ranch.

Second, Kruse and others are assuming all who oppose gestation crates want farmers to move their sows into group pens. I saw a Niman Ranch producer run sows in a pasture.

Why can’t a producer place his sows in a gestation crate when she farrows and then let her out periodically for exercise and then back into the crate until weaning? Oh, too much management.

A producer would not have to move his crated sows into an outdoor group pen. Use some common sense.

Animal rights groups are not merely trying to raise the price of pork, Mr. Kruse, they are pointing out the inhumane and cruel practice of never letting a sow out of that crate for exercise.

How you come to some of your claims about the aims of animal rights groups is unbelievably ridiculous.

Gary Anderson

Mason City