Register by Friday for Iowa Swine Day at Iowa State University
AMES, Iowa — Time is running out to save money by registering early for the Iowa Swine Day program at Iowa State University. June 15 is the final day to register for the information-packed program for just $25 per person. The cost increases $10 per person after that date. Note: Students may register at no cost, but early registration is encouraged to assure adequate meal and materials counts.
The program is returning after several years, thanks to sponsorship and support of the Iowa Pork Industry Center and Iowa State University. The daylong educational opportunity designed specifically for pork producers is set for June 28 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the Iowa State campus, and features practical information on a variety of topics that can be applied on the farm.
IPIC director John Mabry said similar events were held some time ago with great success, and that helped organizers decide to bring back the event this year. Iowa Pork Producers Association and ISU Extension and Outreach also are assisting with the program.
“This program offers an in-depth look at a number of current topics by recognized experts,” Mabry said. “All sessions are in Benton Auditorium in the Scheman Building on the ISU campus, and each 30-minute session is followed by a question and answer segment. There are no breakout sessions.”
The fee includes lunch, refreshment breaks and a copy of the conference proceedings. See more information, including links to print and online registration options, on the conference website,
Each program topic provides essential information for today’s pork producers and others in the industry, and speakers were selected for their knowledge and understanding of those topics.
The list of topics and speakers follows:
Managing risk in uncertain times — Shane Ellis, ISU Economics
Preventing and managing pit foaming — Steve Hoff, ISU Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
What is being learned and done in the battle against the PRRS virus: Are we winning? — Derald Holtkamp, ISU Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine
How to prioritize your biosecurity practices — Alex Ramirez, ISU Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine
Capturing energy savings through proper ventilation management — Jay Harmon, ISU Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Motivating and keeping employees — Darra Johnson, Murphy-Brown LLC, Ames
Practical and effective ways to improve feed efficiency and reduce feed cost — John Patience, ISU Animal Science
U.S. pork exports: Opportunities and risks Steve Meyer, Paragon Economics Inc.
The 101 of swine welfare: What should I know? — Anna Johnson, ISU Animal Science