Hay Expo showcases technology
BOONE – New technology for producing hay and forage is the centerpiece of the Farm Progress Hay Expo and new technology is also on the show’s website to help visitors plan their day at the show.
This year’s Farm Progress Hay Expo will be held 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 20 and 21 at the Central Iowa Expo site near Boone.
It’s pretty easy to get around the exhibits at the Farm Progress Hay Expo. But visitors can map their day at the show in advance by visiting www.HayExpo.com and click on the tab “Map Your Show.” It contains an interactive map of the exhibit field, exhibitor list and show site. “Everything is based on that map,” said Matt Jungmann, Farm Progress national events manager. Visitors can also register for the show., he said.
With the “Search for Exhibitors” feature, farmers can look for their favorite companies and find out where they are located at the show.
“An upgrade to featured exhibitors includes additional information on specific exhibitors, such as address, phone and fax numbers, and links to their website and email address,” Jungmann said.
Another interactive feature is the facility overview tab. Here a map of the entire show site comes up, and the equipment demonstration fields and exhibit area are clickable. “You can click on a field and see demos and times for that field. If you click on the exhibit field and hover over a lot number, it will tell you the name of the exhibitor on that lot,” Jungmann said.
Another feature is the follow-up after the show. “Often, when farmers get home they misplace information or simply want to obtain more information. They can go back to the site and find that information,” notes Jungmann.
Displays, demonstrations
A 10-acre exhibit field will highlight displays from the major and shortline specialty manufacturers, seed, building and storage facility suppliers, and a range of related product suppliers. Exhibitors plan to showcase a host of new products aimed at boosting the efficiency and profitability of hay and forage production.
A highlight of the Hay Expo is the working field demonstrations, which will cover the process to harvest forages from the beginning to the end.
“Demonstrations begin in the morning with mowing, conditioning and chopping; then continues in the afternoon with raking, baling and hay handling. Watching the machines operate side-by-side under actual field conditions is an excellent opportunity for producers,” Jungmann said.
The show site is located off U.S. Highway 30 at its intersection with Iowa Highway 17 east of Boone, at the Central Iowa Expo site.
Admission is free, but parking is $10 per vehicle.
For more information, visit www.HayExpo.com or call (866) 264-7469.