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Unofficially: Corn checkoff vote passes

By Staff | Jul 19, 2012

DES MOINES (IDALS) — The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Iowa Corn Promotion Board released Friday the preliminary results from the referendum to increase the corn checkoff that was held July 10. The preliminary results show a solid positive vote in favor of increasing the Iowa corn checkoff rate by one-fourth of a cent per , bushel from 3/4 cent to 1 cent per bushel, effective Sept 1.

With results submitted from nearly all counties and most absentee ballots counted, currently over 70 percent of those who voted supported the increase. A simple majority was needed to pass the referendum.

In accordance with Iowa Code, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship conducted the vote and has 30 days to officially certify the results.

The corn checkoff is collected on corn that enters commercial channels, but not as grain used on-farm.

The last increase in the checkoff was in 2008 when it was raised to3/4 of a cent per bushel marketed.

The Iowa Corn Checkoff was established by producer referendum in 1977. The Iowa Corn Promotion Board, made up of farmers elected by their peers, invests checkoff dollars for research, education, promotion and market development.

For more information on how checkoff dollars are used contact the Iowa Corn Promotion Board at (515) 225-9242 or online at www.IowaCorn.org.