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Memories of Greene County Fair

By Staff | Jul 26, 2012
KATE BEYERINK, Grand Junction, feeds her rabbits Thursday at the Greene County Fair in Jefferson. Beyerink and her brother, Hunter, brought seven rabbits to the fair to be judged that evening.
COLTON DAVIS, 11, of Jefferson takes some time to practice with his pony, Fluffy, before the pony halter class at the Greene County Fair in Jefferson on Thursday.
COLTON DAVIS, 11, of Jefferson, leads his pony Fluffy in a trot towards the judge during the Greene County Fair’s pony show on Thursday. Davis earned second place in his class as well as reserve champion pony mare.
BEN BRAVARD, of Jefferson makes his way through the obstacle course of the pony stick ride during the ag olympics held Thursday of the Greene County Fair.
EMMA LARSON, of Jefferson, works to pull a bale of straw across the finish line during the pony stick race, a part of the ag olympics Thursday at the Greene County Fair.

We met these folks at the 2012 Greene County Fair.

Photos by Kriss Nelson