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Memories of North Iowa Fair

By Staff | Jul 26, 2012
A PERMANENT DISPLAY at the North Iowa Fairgrounds is an area devoted to teaching children from where food comes. Morgan Steenhard, of Rockwell, is explaining about chickens and eggs to Avery Puttmann, 4, of Clear Lake, and her grandmother, Becky Butz, of Clear Lake.
THE BITS AND SPURS 4-H Club did their drill team exercise at the North Iowa Fair arena Thursday.
GARETT JOHNSON, 8, of Byron, Minn., washes his calf in preparation of the open bucket calf event. He is being assisted by his grandfather Dean Weber, of Rockwell. “The calf stays at grandpa’s house because they live in town,” Weber said of his grandson’s family.
CAILEE HENNING, 11, of Meservey, shows off her awards in the hog competition. This is Cailee’s first year in 4-H and first time showing hogs.
THESE YOUNG PEOPLE were competing in the livestock judging event at the North Iowa Fair.

We met these folks at the 2012 North Iowa Fair.

Photos by Clayton Rye