ILF’s November webinar focuses on soil conservation
AMES – The Iowa Learning Farms’ monthly webinar will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 20, with Jerry Hatfield, laboratory director of the USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment as the guest presenter.
The webinar is part of a free series, hosted by ILF, through Adobe Connect.
The series is held on the third Wednesday of each month.
A computer with Internet access is all that is needed to participate.
Hatfield’s presentation is titled, “Soil Conservation: The Foundation for Efficient Agriculture.” His research focuses on the interactions among the components of soil, plants and the atmosphere for resilient cropping systems in the midst of climate change.
Hatfield received his doctorate from ISU in agricultural climatology and statistics.
He was appointed Director of the National Soil Tilth Laboratory in 1989, which was renamed to the National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment in 2009.
Hatfield has served in numerous roles representing agriculture on the National Climate Assessment, a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change process that received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, and lead author on an IPCC special report on the Effects of Climate Extremes.
He is the lead author of several reports including the agriculture section of the National Climate Assessment, the Midwest and Agriculture technical reports, and the Agricultural Indicators effort.
He currently serves on the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project. He is the recipient of numerous awards and is the author or co-author of 397 refereed publications and the editor of 15 monographs.
To connect to the webinar, go to: at 11:30 a.m. on the morning of the webinar and log in using the guest option.
The ILF website contains links for archived webinars from all previous sessions at ttp://
The webinar archive is also available in a podcast through iTunes.