Colton Wickman
Colton Wickman is a junior at West Bend-Mallard High School, and the son of Jeff and Jessica Wickman, of Mallard. He is vice president of the Hawkeye FFA Chapter.
1.) Why FFA?:
I got involved in FFA because I like agriculture and want to meet new people.
2.) FFA project:
My SAE project is cattle. My dad, uncle and I have a herd of cattle and I enjoy being outside and working with them.
3.) I’ve learned:
I have learned how to meet new people and speak better in front of people.?My ag teacher likes to throw us into new situations and make us think.
4.) Career path:
I plan on going into ag of some type. I see myself in an ag technology or management field. FFA has helped me decide that I definitely want to pursue an ag career.
5.) College plans:
I have not decided on a specific college, but at this point I plan on attending a two-year college in an ag field.
6.) FFA activities:
WLC trip, 2015 North Central District FFA Rising Star, District soils judging team, test plot committee, help with Farmer Fred for preschoolers and pre-kindergarten, fruit sales, chili-oyster supper, member-service auction, State FFA Convention, landscaping projects around school, showing at the county fair, help with SWCD tree day, EPAK and farm safety group leader, National FFA Week activities with elementary students, Back to School BBQ,