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By Staff | Sep 25, 2015


Tayla Banwart is a senior at West Bend-Mallard Community School ijn West Bend, and the daughter of Marc and Jami Banwart, of West Bend. She serves as reporter for the Hawkeye FFA Chapter.

1.) Why FFA?:

I joined FFA to become a better leader and to get experience and gain skills before graduating from high school.

2.) FFA project:

I joined FFA last year as a junior, so I do not currently have a SAE project.

3.) I’ve learned:

I have gained a lot of leadership skills in the past year and have learned how to be a better leader. I have also met new people and had a chance to be involved in many things.

4.) Career path:

I currently plan on going into ag. business of some type after graduation.

5.) College plans:

At this time I am still undecided on where I want to go.

6.) FFA activities:

WLC trip, COLT officer training, State FFA Convention, Courtesy Corps member at State FFA, member-service auction, fruit sales, NC District FFA Convention delegate, annual parent-member banquet, EPAK group helper.