Trump says he backs ethanol at Gowrie plant

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Donald Trump tells about 30 people Nov. 12 at the POET Biorefining plant in Gowrie that he supports ethanol. Trump spoke briefly after touring the plant.
GOWRIE – Donald J. Trump declared his support for ethanol Thursday afternoon at the Poet Biorefining plant near Gowrie.
“I just want to say you have my support,” the Republican presidential candidate told about 30 people, including plant employees. “I’m with you.”
“What you’re doing is a fantastic thing, and we stay away from the Middle East, and we can take care of ourselves right here,” he added. “That’s the way we want to keep it.”
Trump toured the plant, which can produce 69 million gallons of ethanol a year, then talked for about 10 minutes to the group gathered in a meeting room.
He said he learned a lot during his visit.
“Amazing what you’ve been able to do – amazing,” he said. “And it’s great for the country and the investment is great. Beyond even the product, the investment and the jobs and everything else are great for the country.”
While he spoke favorably about ethanol, Trump did not address the federal Renewable Fuels Standard, which requires a certain percentage of ethanol to be included in the nation’s fuel supply.
The candidate said he doesn’t take campaign contributions except for small ones. He said returning a donation of $25 would be an insult to the donor. He said that because he doesn’t take big campaign donations, he’s not beholden to any special interests.
“I’m not controlled by anybody that would be adverse to you,” he said.
He added that a lot of other candidates are “controlled totally.”
America’s Renewable Future, a group that tries to educate presidential candidates about renewable fuels, helped to arrange Trump’s visit to the ethanol plant.
Former Iowa Lt. Gov. Patty Judge, a Democrat, works with that group and spoke to the audience before Trump was introduced.
She said she disagrees with Trump on just about everything but the importance of ethanol.