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Crop Advantage Series set for Webster County

By Staff | Jan 7, 2016

FORT DODGE – Iowa State University Extension will hold a Crop Advantage Series meeting from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 20, at the Best Western Starlite Village Inn in Fort Dodge.

Registration will begin at 8:15 a.m. Angie Rieck-Hinz and Mark Johnson, Extension field agronomists, will host the meeting.

Advance registration for each location is $50, which includes workshop materials, lunch and refreshments.

Registration is $60 after Jan. 13 or at the door.

“ISU Extension will present the latest crop production research and information for the upcoming growing seasons,” said Rieck-Hinz. “Each location features key statewide topics in addition to a program developed by your local ISU field agronomists for north central Iowa.”

Keynote speakers are:

A). Chad Hart, an Extension economist, offering a crop market outlook.

B). Erin Hodgson, an Extension entomologist, discussing corn rootworm management.

C). Mahdi Al-Kaisi, an Extension soil management specialist, discussing soil health.

D). Jamie Benning and Liz Juchems, will lead the discussion on economic benefits of cover crops

E). Bob Hartlzer, an Extension weed specialist, will explain weed management strategies.

F). Antonio Mallarino will outline a plan to evaluate soil fertility inputs with tight crop production margins.

Hart, will wrap up the day talking about managing margins in 2016.

Certified Crop Advisers can obtain up to five continuing education credits. The fee for the CCA credits is included in the registration cost.

Private pesticide applicators will be able to obtain their continuing instructional course credits at this meeting.

The cost for the private pesticide applicator certification is included in the registration fee.

Please note, all-day attendance is required to receive a private pesticide recertification.

Additional information and online registration is available on the Crop Advantage Series website at www.cropadvantage.org.