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Dairy conference set

By Staff | May 16, 2016

ORANGE CITY – The 2016 Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference will be held June 15-16, at the Grand River Center in Dubuque.

The conference will present the latest research focusing on fiber and nutrient digestibility and nutrition to improve dairy cattle reproduction.

“This conference has more than 20 different speakers during the symposium and breakout sessions,” Jim Salfer, University of Minnesota Extension educator, said. “Every participant will find something relevant for them.”

The conference is a collaborative effort between Iowa State University Extension, University of Illinois Extension, University of Minnesota Extension, and University of Wisconsin-Extension.

The conference registration fee is $150 until May 31 and $175 after.

The program starts June 15 with the Diamond V pre-conference symposium. During this time, Steve Carlson from Iowa State University will cover the control of Salmonella and other enteric pathogens; Bill Sanchez will discuss how to apply the latest science in practical feeding situations; and Stuart Reeves will discuss immunology.

The pre-conference symposium will also hold a producer discussion panel.

This year’s four-state conference speakers include:

  • Dave Mertens, of Mertens Innovations on “How to use uNDF to predict cow performance and design rations.”
  • Lance Baumgard, of ISU on “New research on how leaky gut leads to inefficient nutrient utilization.”
  • Randy Shaver, of the UofW on “Latest research on starch.”
  • Phil Cardoso, of the UofI on “The impact of amino acids on reproductive performance.”
  • Paul Fricke, of the UofW on “The keys to achieving high pregnancy rates in high producing herds.”
  • Dr. Don Niles, a veterinarian and partner in Dairy Dreams Farm on “How to turn research into on-farm success.”

Additional breakout topics will include heifer stocking density and performance; keys to making automatic calf feeders successful; maintaining pasture quality in an organic grazing system; finding feeding bottlenecks on your dairy; feeding value of cover crops; harvesting solutions for outstanding corn silage.

New this year is a post-conference symposium sponsored by Balchem. The speakers are Mike Van Amburgh, of Cornell University, on “Feeding for milk protein;” Greg Bethard, of Pagel’s Ponderosa on “The economics of milk protein;” and John Lucy, of UofW on “The future of milk protein as a functional food.”

For more information and/or to register, contact Ryan Breuer, ISU Extension dairy field specialist at (712) 737-4230 or rmbreuer@iastate.edu.