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Farm Transitions Conference set for Feb. 9-10

By Staff | Jan 13, 2023

AMES — The two-day Farm Transitions Conference will return to the Gateway Hotel in Ames Feb. 9-10, 2023. Whether you want to begin farming, are looking to transition your farm business to the next generation or simply want to know more about farm estate planning, this conference will provide expert answers and insight.

Hosted by the Beginning Farmer Center at Iowa State University and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, participants will hear from more than a dozen professionals including attorneys, farmland owners and managers, financial experts and mediators.

This two-day conference is full of practical resources to help farmers make educated farm transition and succession planning decisions. The opening day includes an overview of the current farm economy with Chad Hart and Alejandro Plastina, economists with ISU Extension and Outreach, and a presentation by Chris Cornelius, a native Iowan and co-owner of Cornelius Seed. In her presentation called “Succession Tips from the Field,” Cornelius will share practical experiences and lessons learned from her family’s fifth-generation seed business, which started in 1935.

In-person attendees will have networking opportunities, including an optional tour of Jack Trice Stadium (limited to 50). Both in-person and online attendees can interact with speakers and ask questions. All attendees will receive a free Farm Transitions workbook.

In-person registration is $175 per person and webinar-only registration is $150. Participants can register online. Groups of two or more can use code GROUP50 to receive $50 off each in-person registration (does not apply to student registration).

University or college students can register in-person or online for $100. To apply for student scholarships, contact Tovar Jensen at kwtovar@iastate.edu

The Gateway Hotel & Conference Center is located at 2100 Green Hills Drive, Ames, Iowa. A room rate of $114 has been reserved. Reserve your room online or call 515-292-8600.