Make plans for upcoming shows
Pork Congress, Ag Expo are coming soon
Two big agricultural events featuring informative speakers and exhibits of all kinds of farming technology are coming soon.
The Iowa Pork Congress will be held Jan. 24-25.
The Iowa Ag Expo will be held Jan. 30-Feb. 1.
Both will be at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.
And both will be worth attending, offering opportunities to learn a lot of valuable information. Each year the Iowa Pork Producers Association holds the remarkable event known as the Iowa Pork Congress. This will be the 50th year for the gathering, which has the distinction of being the nation’s largest winter swine conference and trade show.
This year’s congress will feature 250 exhibitors and at least 10 speakers.
About 4,500 people typically attend the Iowa Pork Congress.
The event now called the Iowa Ag Expo was started in 1910 and lots of people still know it by its original name, the Iowa Power Farming Show. That name was changed in 2020 to reflect the diversity of the show.
It will feature the best ag has to offer from big iron, precision ag, aerial imaging, livestock production, data management and more.
The location in central Iowa means farmers in the Hawkeye State can see the next big things in agriculture without incurring heavy travel expenses.
We encourage people to attend both of these big, upcoming exhibitions. We believe they will be informative and fun.