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Change needed to reverse cancer rates in Iowa

By Bob Streit - Farm News columnist | Nov 22, 2024

As we march toward late fall and when the white stuff falls, our minds are occupied with all the tasks to complete and the ones which need to begin.

One thing we can be thankful for is that the first big blizzard aimed for the four-corner area involving Colorado, New Mexico, as well as parts of Oklahoma and Texas. The snow first arrived in Colorado a Tuesday afternoon and quit sometime on Saturday with totals of 13 to 17 inches on the eastern flatlands and up to 45 to 50-plus in the mountains.

That was likely great news to the skiing enthusiasts who can’t wait to hit the slopes, but not for the highway crews and the people who have to pay the cleanup costs.

I try to stay away from mentioning anything political as the two sides are so divided and often unable to have any civil discussion on the different topics and challenges we face in this country. But waking up to hear who and what party would be leading this country for the next four years and hopefully the next 12, was a big relief.

I envision increased energy exploration while still doing research on new clean fuels as well as continuation of small nuclear 40-foot mobile generators (high fuel prices spurred inflation as every good or product needs to be hauled or shipped to their point of need), a negotiated end to the Ukrainian war which was orchestrated by our state department, Victoria Nuland and neocons (we spent over a week in that country and made a big 2,5000-mile tour of it back in 2015 and met tons of people), closing the border immediately to keep out the 80% ratio of 18 to 25 year old males who may have been trained as terrorists and finally closing down many of the three-letter agencies which have been working against many of the citizens of this country as well as one of the political parties.

I expect to see new blood come in the new administration. And I don’t expect them to be stealing luggage at the airports or be 20 years past their prime. It will be interesting to see who heads up the Department of Ag and who the heads of the different departments will be. I want people who recognize monopolies when they see one, and representatives not involved in big ag.

We have to recognize that many of our diets are crap, that we have way too many seriously overweight people due to empty calories, over-processed foods which contain additives or dyes which are outlawed in most other countries.

Our military generals are aware that over 60% of our enlistees can’t pass their physicals. It is the same in China.

But not in Russia. Putin, for all of his dastardly actions, looks after his citizens’ health better than our leaders do.

I wish I could say that our medical establishment and the FDA and CDC were on our side, but they don’t seem to be. A great You Tube video to view is an interview by Tucker Carlson with a high IQ, highly educated brother and sister team who had major epiphanies in their lives which caused them to switch sides. Carry advanced her education working up the medical chain to become the top new MD and surgeon at Stanford University and Hospital. She saw and worked on thousands of patients. Then, while having one patient in surgery, she realized that she didn’t have a clue as to what caused this patient with so many medical problems to be on the operating table. Her medical training had almost no nutritional classes, which would have taught her the value of good nutrition, let alone the value of a healthy microbiome. She is now dedicated to filling her educational deficiencies by learning from the best medical nutritionists who were likely among her former critics.

Many good DVMs, updated chiropractors, dieticians, NDs or Environmental Health specialists would also be able to help her in those studies.

Her brother was on a similar education path, except it was as a marketing advisor with one of the large ad agencies for the food companies trying to sell over-processed, addictive food to the unsuspecting public. When he heard about the switch her sister had made he was shocked and at first thought she made a big mistake, throwing away her education.

Then once she explained her change in thinking he had to question his motives.

I had the chance to visit for a short while with a good friend and research colleague who has seen one of the proposed farm plans which, as written, would level the playing fields between large, medium and small farm sizes. He said that instead of basing per-acre revenue solely on bushels per acre, one of the main focus points will be nutrient density. I understand that goal, but feed use versus grain for ethanol would require a different calculation.

Don’t be surprised if pesticide residue free would be one of the qualifiers. If and when this becomes a qualifier the new microbial, now known as Paleo Biotica, which causes rapid degradation of glyphosate in the soil, will be in great demand. I have been getting questions from farmers who have lots of swine or poultry manure applied to their fields and seeing a decline in plant health or yields need to know that this microbial mix or “guild” has proven to be frost tolerant and could be applied yet this fall to suspect fields or where truly organic product is to be grown. Any grape, orchard or garden soil could also be cleaned up. Field trials where this guild was applied showed about a 16 bushel/acre yield gain for corn in Wisconsin, while a cotton field planted to GMO cotton in a Delta state showed a 25% yield increase.

Knowing one of the ladies who was going to be in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s cabinet, if that occurred, clean food that does not set off allergies or autistic symptoms in kids is going to be important.

The same Fusarium fungus which is responsible for causing SDS in bean fields or disease problems in other crops is also known to form many mycotoxins which migrate up to the grain to affect most mammalian species.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that the group which keeps the cancer statistics for the states says that Iowa is now the No. 2 per capita state. Are we trying to be No. 1 over Kentucky or will any changes which need to be made actually get instituted? I think most people have a strong suspicion as to which products we are dumping out of a jug or tote and applying to our fields are contributing to the problem.

A long-time noted agronomy colleague informed me of a full page ad that was published in the Des Moines Register which included the names of well-known people who support the continued sale and use of the main suspected culprit. Things have to change or the forecast that by 2030 half of all males in Iowa will have cancer may come true.

As to why I am writing a column which mentions so much about health and diets and ways to help us out of a genuine health crisis is something I will write about in my next column. It will make perfect sense to you then.