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Letters to the Editor

No defender of family farms

To the editor: David Kruse’s column (Farm News, Aug. 23, 2004) begins, “Capitalism can be brutal.” He says the downturn in grain prices may put some farmers out of business, but that’s just how the system works. The fact is he is not a defender of family farms and doesn’t know ...

Eminent domain drives landowner opposition

In his latest rant (Aug. 9 issue) bemoaning Summit’s CO2 pipeline delay, David Kruse omitted key facts and pointed out a problem with Iowa’s eminent domain laws. As one of the “holdouts” who refuses to sign an easement, allow me to fill in the gaps. The Iowa Utilities Commission (IUC) ...

CO2 pipelines don’t constitute ‘public use’

To the editor: Farm News’ coverage of the carbon pipeline issue is to be commended. Bonnie Ewoldt and David Kruse seem to have extensive knowledge of the subject (Aug. 9, 2024). Here are some other points that should be included: Tax credits of $45 billion given to pipeline investors is ...

On carbon pipelines

After reading the Farm News Aug. 8th column by David Kruse concerning the controversy over carbon pipelines, eminent domain and water usage, it is kind of like reading about a chicken with its head cut off! The most revealing statement came from Kruse when he claimed, “Bruce Rastetter is ...

Landowners should not be intimidated by Summit’s letter

To the editor: Last month, Summit Carbon Solutions received a conditional permit from the Iowa Utilities Commission (IUC) to construct a 680-mile CO2 pipeline across Iowa. The proposed pipeline, named the Midwest Carbon Express (MCE), will carry pressurized CO2 from ethanol plants across five ...

The future of ethanol and SAF

To the editor: Sustainable aviation fuel or SAF is quoted as potentially being a 35 billion gallon-a-year domestic market by 2050. This I believe is incorrect because SAF presently is a blend of conventional fossil fuel and synthetic components made from renewable feed stocks, which ethanol ...

Rethinking farm policy

To the editor: After reading the latest March 8 Farm News articles by Sen. (Charles) Grassley and Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig, the capitalist ploy called misdirection was dancing its clever jig. It would take a book to unravel all the nonsense spewed by the authors of those ...

Hopes this is Kruse’s awakening

To the editor: It was great to see David Kruse writing about Javier Milei, the new president of Argentina (March 8 Farm News). It might not be Haiti, but it’s been close to the bottom with nowhere to go but up for many years. Milei describes himself as an “anarcho-capitalist,” which ...

Carbon capture — The Rest of the Story

Growing up, I enjoyed listening to Paul Harvey’s radio program, “The Rest of the Story.” To see the whole picture, this is my take on the rest of the story on carbon capture. Did you know that CO2 makes up only .04 percent of the earth’s atmosphere? Most of the world’s carbon ...

Counties are duty-bound to exercise local control of CO2 pipeline setbacks

To the editor: As 2023 ended, CO2 pipelines topped the list of newsworthy items in Iowa. Heading into 2024, County Boards bear a heavy responsibility as they deal with pipeline ordinances while the state awaits the IUB’s decision on Summit’s permit application. Summit likes to tout ...