You learn a lot about people when they don’t get what they want. Those who find a way to discipline their disappointment often become even more resilient and productive going forward.
Emily Campbell would learn this through FFA, which became part of her life when she found her dad’s FFA ...
There’s a current that runs through David Larson’s life. It starts with family, the one that raised him and the one that he and his wife Jolene raised together.
It leads to service, defined by leadership, flavored with friendships, and always leading to new and exciting ...
IDA GROVE — Research has proven that while death is the number two fear that people have,
public speaking is the biggest real-life terror for most.
Jaden Schug, thanks to her Future Farmers of America (FFA) education, didn’t get that memo.
“The high school years can be ...
BATTLE CREEK — Kaitlyn Riessen, 21, saw traveling for Future Farmers of America (FFA) conventions as an investment in herself, her family’s farm, and community.
The daughter of Brian and Kari Riessen, she grew up on their farm southeast of Battle Creek. “I attended a state or ...
Growing up in Prairie City, Mark Van Der Kamp experienced agriculture by spending a few weeks each summer on his grandparents’ farm. But he’ll admit, he didn’t develop an affinity for agriculture until his own son Blake fully immersed himself in FFA as a high schooler.
“My mother ...
Travis Fehr is a senior at West Bend-Mallard Community School and the son of Darren and Nora Fehr, of Mallard. He serves as treasurer for the Hawkeye FFA Chapter.1.) Why FFA?:I am involved in FFA because it is a skill-building organization that helps prepare its members for life. Being an ...
Tayla Banwart is a senior at West Bend-Mallard Community School ijn West Bend, and the daughter of Marc and Jami Banwart, of West Bend. She serves as reporter for the Hawkeye FFA Chapter.1.) Why FFA?:I joined FFA to become a better leader and to get experience and gain skills before graduating ...
Dalton Knobloch is a senior at West Bend-Mallard High School and the son of Denton and Rose Knobloch of West Bend. He is president of the Hawkeye FFA Chapter.1.) Why FFA?:I am involved in FFA because it's a great organization and it's like a big family. I also want to keep our chapter going and ...
Colton Wickman is a junior at West Bend-Mallard High School, and the son of Jeff and Jessica Wickman, of Mallard. He is vice president of the Hawkeye FFA Chapter.1.) Why FFA?:I got involved in FFA because I like agriculture and want to meet new people.2.) FFA project:My SAE project is cattle. ...
Allison Kolbe is a freshman member of the East Sac FFA Chapter at East Sac County High School. She is the daughter of Doug and Larrette Kolbe of Sac City.1.) Why FFA?:I am an FFA member because I enjoy agriculture and everything that it has to offer. I get to meet new people and get new ...