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Local News

Turkeys — They’re not just for Thanksgiving

OKOBOJI — Nestled in northwestern Iowa sits an organic farm that raises holiday turkeys perfect not just for Thanksgiving but also for a Christmas meal. Kate Mendenhall of Okoboji has always wanted to be a farmer like some of her extended family members. It was a dream of hers to move back to her hometown and start a small livestock farm. “We are fortunate to do that now. My husband and I own the land, but I own the business and run it myself with help from my retired father, Walter, but my hubby and kids help out on the farm, too,” Mendenhall said. Husband, Zach, ...


The endless winter

We had a fabulous autumn weather-wise, nothing to complain about although that didn’t prevent many of us from doing so. First it was too warm and too dry; then, when it started to rain, it was too cold and too wet. There’s no pleasing some people. In our neck of the woods, every snow-free ...

Hometown Cookin' Favorites

Tis the season

The Christmas season is already here. Stores are busy with shoppers, plans are being made for family gatherings, and homes are being decorated. Many are planning menus for their holiday gatherings. It is a busy time of year. This green bean casserole is a convenient choice. I like that it ...


Fruit, vegetable growers deserve recognition

There’s more than corn and soybeans growing in Iowa’s rich soil. Iowa’s farmers grow staggering amounts of corn and soybeans, so it makes sense that those crops are the first ones many people associate with the state’s farms. But there is also a surprising amount of fruits and ...